Sunday, May 16, 2021

Don't ever judge a person before you have walked in their shoes.

 Hello guys!

This is me Malavika and welcome back to another blog  🙋 . 

Today's topic is - Don't judge a person before you have walked in their shoes. 

Imagine if you see a woman on the streets with her child, who is begging the her mother to get her some food. You then see that the mother is checking her purse and then just sits there with her hand on the head and it seems like she cannot hear what that poor kid is saying. She then gets annoyed by her kid and scolds her and tells her to keep quiet for some time. They kid then rubbing her belly goes to a corner of the street and sits there. You think, " Hey, why isn't this lady getting her kid some food? She is such a bad mother, and she is probably lazy too, and that's why she is poor. 

Don't worry, don't lie to yourself even though you that you might have thought the same. Even I might have thought is like that, i.e, until i came across a video uploaded by a youtuber called Dharr Mann.

His videos are really inspiring and thought me many values too.

But if you go into and research or ask that lady, why she is ignoring her kid, she might say this- She is a single mother and lost her job because of the current pandemic going on. Then she ended on the streets with her kid because they couldn't afford the rent for that month. And the reason she was really annoyed, when the kid was asking is because, she did not have any more money to buy her kid some food. Also the money she had got from begging had been spent out the past few weeks and now she has no money to at least buy her kid food.

After realising something like this, you will feel miserable of what you were thinking. Even if you did not say it out loud, you can still feel pretty bad for what you said if you have humanity in you.

So what is the better way, so that we don't feel sad while thinking anything like this?

The better way is to first think, or ask about what the person is going through, that they are in such a situation.

So my friends next time, you see someone, do something you don't feel right, Just think once more, try to see it from their perspective of view. 

And next time, don't judge anyone. Cause u probably know their name,not their story. You have heard what he/she did, but not what they have gone through. And you never know, if u were in his/her shoes, you might have fell in the first step.  Cause the world might judge a person by their decision, they don't care to check the options the person had to choose the decision from. Don't be part of that world.

That is it for today guys

Until its me Malavika

Bye  bye

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Honesty is the best policy.

 Hello guys,

This is me Malavika and welcome to another blog of mine 😃.

So today's topic is about, an old proverb that quite dates back to the 15th century. And also i am pretty sure you all have at least heard this once atleast..

It is - Honesty is the best policy.

And before I continue, I would like to introduce one of my favorite bloggers, Elsa.

She posts small but very interesting stories in parts, greetings ( for any special events) and anything else you ask for!

The link to her blog is-

So lets continue,

So many people must have heard this proverb - Honesty is the best policy. But just knowing this isn't enough. I would like ask, how many of you readers are really honest? Do comment in the comment section below.

When you are honest, you never need to worry of being caught in any crime, or anything like that. Honesty always builds a strong castle of your reputation. No one doubts you unnecessarily if you always say the truth, but if you lie more often than you say the truth, you will often see that people will doubt you if you try to say something truthfully also.

Have you heard the story of the Shepherd and the wolf?

If not it is about a shepherd who always tried to trick people by calling out to them that a wolf is coming to eat his sheep. But whenever they came running to chase the wolves away, they used to see this shepherd boy sitting there and laughing at them, joking that they got fooled by him and there really was no wolf. All the people used to go back to their homes with grumpy faces. But one day, a real wolf came to eat the shepherd's sheep. He cried out loud and shouted for people to come and help him but no one came because they thought that he was lying again. In the end the wold ate all of his sheep.

But if at all you have done something wrong, the best option is to own up about it (owning up means to admit or tell the truth that you have done something wrong)

There is a story of a girl called Alice. She was a girl who was very fond of oranges. one day some guests were coming to her house. So her mother prepared many dishes and also bought some fruits, among which were some oranges. Alice's mouth was watering when she saw the oranges so she asked her mom is she could take one. Her mother said," No dear, these oranges are for the guests, I will buy you some oranges tomorrow." She was upset with this. Later when her mother was greeting in the guests, she ran towards the kitchen, took an orange and put it in her pocket. As soon as her mother came into the kitchen, she sprinted towards the main hall to greet the guest's children. Later during the day, when she was playing with the guest's kids, she remembered about the orange. She was scared if she would mistakenly sit on it and squeeze it. She was very nervous to sit throughout the day. When the guests left, she went back to her mom and owned up about taking that orange. Her mother forgave and congratulated her for owning up to her.

So i hope that from today, you all will try to be honest.

That is it for today guys.

This is me Malavika, see you in the next blog.

Unitl then

Bye bye

Monday, May 3, 2021

Do not Judge a person by their cover.

 Hi guys,

This is me Malavika and welcome back to my blog!!

Imagine your friend's dad lost his job, and now they are in great trouble. They lost their house. Money is getting tight for them and his/her parents are working hard to at least send your friend to school. Finally the collect some money to send him/her to school. However, they cannot afford buy new dresses for him/her anymore. So he/she has to wear old dresses to school. They look shaggy and he/she looks dirty. When your friend comes to school with you, many kids and teachers start staring at him/her. Children at school start making fun of you to be with a dirty looking child. You then, for the sake of your reputation, also stop going near him/her and starts making fun of your friend in front of others. 

Now imagine if you were in this situation. How bad would you have felt?

Yes today's topic is = Do not judge the person by their cover.

The meaning of this sentence is, to not judge anyone by their looks.

Another example, is from a youtube video i saw, from a youtube channel called Dharr Mann.

The link to the video is here -

Another video from that channel that is a great example of this is -

Be sure to watch both of those videos to know the stories.


So that is it for today guys, see u in the sext blog!

Until then

Its me Malavika 

Bye Bye

A Woman = A Man

 Hello guys!

This is Malavika and welcome to my my blog!

So today, i would like to tell you about the topic, many people know but don't agree 

It is - A Woman = A Man

Well why can't they? Women aren't always those pretty pink princesses who cry when they even scratch their hand. 

Nothing exactly works the same without a woman in a man's life. They can also be police, they can also be pilots. They can be anything they want, anything they dream.

A great example is of a woman named Gunjan Saxena, have you heard this name?

There is a movie about her in netflix, so go on and watch it if you or you parents have an account.

There are many wonder women in the world, Like Kalpana Chawla, P.V Sindhu, Indira Gandhi and many more..

Well now the boys or men reading this might be thinking, Ancient world used to only support men, but in the modern world, why is everyone saying like, " Women can do anything" but they never say men can do anything.

Well yes, men also cry, men also like the colour pink, they also like dressing up in different styles etc. 

There is nothing like blue and pink  rules, there are only white rules.

White rules are equal to girls and boys.

So come on let  us follow the white set of rules and make the world a better place.

Unitl next time,

This is me Malavika

Bye bye

"Happily ever after"

 Hello friends, This is me Malavika and welcome back to another blog by me. Today's blog topic is nothing but the phrase 'Happily ev...